Wednesday, September 8, 2010


未来到底是什么东西,我的未来是什么,我的方向是否正确,我走着的路是否对,这些问题常常出现在我的脑海里。我对我的工作还不是这么的上手,可是我却很努 力很努力的去学习。实在是太多太多的东西要学习,常常问经理他都不知道我问的是什么,我想是我的表达能力差还是我根本不明白那些问题,所以乱乱发问,过后 就挨骂。有时候,我很害怕发问问题,甚至和他说话都感到恐惧。我不是一个很聪明的人,也是一个很健忘的人,但是我的确是一个刻苦耐劳的人,不管发生什么 事,只要我能撑得下我就会继续的撑到最后。

人人常说,要照顾别人先要学会照顾好自己,要爱别人先要学会爱自己,可是现在我连自己都照顾不 好,我哪有资格和能力去照顾别人。几时我才有能力一个人撑起一个家,照顾我的家人?在外面受的委屈都不能和家人诉苦,因为我不想然他们担心。有时在外承受 了一些压力,累了回到家就躲在房间里不出来。朋友们看到我天天笑口常开,其实我心里有事他们都不知道,因为我的伪装很强,根本没半个人能够看得出来。而且 我也希望当我和朋友们在一起时是开开心心的,所以不想给他们添麻烦。最后,我用文字表达出来会让我比较舒服,毕竟在我的部落格里是我的内心想法,只有在这 里我才能找到我的寄托。


  1. choon yet ah choon yet... i understand that u dun wanna be a burden 2 other ppl or cause others trouble, but things r not necessary the way u c it... try put urself into ur fren's shoe... u imagine u have a fren dat's having de same prob as u do now but he/she is pretending all de time so dat u all x worry abt him/her, how do u feel as de person's fren? i guess i dun have 2 explain much rite? =) talking 2 ur frens abt stress or problems x means dat u all have to come out with a solution to solve the problem... it is juz simply a channel for you to release ur negative feeling... dats not considered as a troublesome thing ok... however, if u feel dat u r still more comfortable expressing urself in dis blog den juz go ahead =) juz dat i would say it is a bit too tiring 2 pretend in front of evrbody... u deserve 2 treat urself better...

  2. 嘿朋友就是听你诉苦的啊。不然朋友拿来做么?:)

    随时可以在facebook找我啊. :)

  3. yea..totally know how you feeling right in your post !! ...i dunnoe is this can treat as dun wan troublesome your friend..or just dun wish talk about the trouble things, but enjoy the relax moment with friends ...=)
    stress while work..asking is not a shame but is a technique ..sometimes is really hard to open mouth and ask IF after you get scold =(
    work is all about learning ..add oil...scold learned more ....=)
