Monday, February 6, 2012




  1. 你真的没像你自己想像的那么差啦,只不过你是太气自己而看不见自己的优点而已 =) 我自认是个还蛮乐观的人,可是很多时候我也觉得自己很失败。。。像你一样,我很讨厌别人问我问题,尤其是我打算找什么工作!我真的不知道啊。。。可是如果连我自己都不知道,那谁会知道啊?哎~ 结果我都会很没自信地随随便便回答一些很“standard”的答案,即使我知道那些都不是我想要的…… 哈哈!看,我也很口是心非啊。。

    其实人生就是充满矛盾的状况,就是这种情况让我们不得已的虚伪起来。。以前我很讨厌虚伪的人,但渐渐地我开始欣赏他们了……因为他们懂得如何取舍,更懂得如何保护自己;所谓的虚伪,只不过是更加懂得如何做人而已……你可知道,学会虚伪也代表你比以前成熟了?所以你并不是没有长大啊 =)

    不要再讨厌自己了,好吗?一个连自己也不懂得欣赏自己的人,是不值得别人欣赏的……与其浪费力气去纳闷自己,不如实际一点来想想办法如何推自己一把,用行动证明自己是有能力改变的!俊业啊……你都有本事走出以前那让你爱得死去活来的情伤,这应该不会比那难熬吧…… 冷静下来慢慢回想自己的变化,或许你能从中更清楚了解自己而渐渐找回对自己的好感? 加油!

  2. eh Mr.. i never thought you'll be so interesting =) for someone who can be so humourous, and yet you have such great contradiction deep inside.. there are so many question that i would love to ask and would like to know.. with your ability to find sense of humour so randomly and bringing such joyful moments for others, how come you didn't use it on yourself to cheer yourself up?

    there's a moment that u talked a little about your work.. i'm not sure if you were seeking or solution from us or just tell us about the frustration, but i sense that there's a part of you that want to talk to someone about it.. why do you want to bottle it up and hold all the burden to yourself?

    although you said you had become very hypocritical, masking yourself in front of others.. but somehow that is not what i feel.. feeling the interaction we all had together yesterday night, you did enjoy being who you were yesterday.. and as far as i know, we'll only enjoy being who we are when we are being our true-self... so instead of saying yourself as a hypocrite that hides your "true feelings", why not see it the other way round? maybe there's also another side of your "true feelings" that is looking for happiness through bringing joy to others with your sense of humour?

    seriously, i envy your ability to have such great sense of humour.. is like anytime, anywhere, you'll manage to find some joke out of it.. this is something that i had been learning for years and still haven't master it... also, i envy your masking skill... how i wish i can hide my feeling as successfully as you... every time i'm not in the mood, my face will tell it all out no matter how hard i try to act that i'm ok.. my facial expression somehow will be unnatural when i try to fake it out.. it gets worse if i know my disability to hide my negative feelings cause awkward moments to my friends..

    what may seem like weaknesses to you looks like advantages to me.. surprised eh? haha.. such an irony.. lol.. so please don't keep everything to yourself.. there are times that we need others to help us discover ourselves because it is always 旁观者清,当局者迷.. not everyone is as busybody as me 1 le.. hahahaha.. so go find someone you can trust and talk to them.. open yourself to other's perspective and it'll help you to see things differently.. slowly u'll be able to that you've become more matured because of it =)
